Organisme CMFR : Créations Musicales François Richard

Non Profit Organisation

Member of Conseil Québécois de la Musique


François Richard : President - Artistic Director


The main mission of Créations Musicales François Richard resides in the production and presentation of original music, modern and contemporary jazz. Other music styles and instrumentation arrangements are also explored by CMFR.


Les Créations Musicales François Richard originated from the passion of its members for contemporary jazz music and valuable long time experiences. CMFR promote modern jazz through the transverse flute, improvise in different contexts, and highlight the work of prestigious jazz musicians in such a way that they have the possibility to express their creativity in a professional environment.


Les Créations Musicales François Richard originated from a journey punctuated with the most valuable artistic experiences. March 2002 was a remarkable month where CMFR have recorded original jazz compositions for Jazz Beat in RBC with the François Richard Quartet.


Since then, some productions introducing a number of experienced musicians have been realized with success with the support of Le Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec, Le Conseil des Arts de Montréal, Le Conseil des Arts du Canada and Diapason-CQM.


Les Créations Musicales François Richard have received the collaboration of Le Festival International de Jazz de Montréal, Effendi Record, les Productions de L'Onde and L'Off Festival de Jazz de Montréal.



Apologie II

Finaliste/ Prix Opus 2004-2005

Concert de l’année/ Jazz, musique du monde

Sélection officielle/ Bourse Rideau


Module de Création spontanée

Finaliste/ Prix Opus 2006 -2007

Concert de l’année/ Jazz, musique du monde


François Richard Nouvel Orchestra avec Mark Feldman

Finaliste/ Prix Opus 2008-2009

Concert de l’année/ Jazz, musique du monde


Symbiose Jazz- François Richard

Finaliste/ Prix Opus 2011-2012

Concert de l’année/ Jazz


Trio Richard-Lipsky-Herskowitz+quatuor à cordes

Finaliste/ Prix Opus 2013-2014

Concert de l’année/ Jazz, musique du monde


AZIMUTH Trio Richard-Lipsky-Herskowitz+quatuor à cordes

Nomination / Gala ADISQ 2015

Album de l'année - Instrumental

major achievements History

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